Using : to pay next month
A convenient payment methodthat lets you pay for your purchase next month.
・Pay in one lump sum next month
・No fees if you use direct debit
・Easily check your usage amount with the app
At a convenience store or by direct debit (automatic debit)※No fees if you use direct debit
Select “Pay Later (Pay ID)” as your payment method during purchase. Please apply after purchasing the product if you will use direct debit.
The bill will be confirmed after the product is shipped.
Once billing is confirmed, we will notify you of the amount via email. Please pay by either direct debit or convenience store payment by the deadline.
Please see below for more details on the payment methods. Pay by direct debit ・ Pay at convenience stores
An identity review is conducted at the time of purchase. Depending on the results of the review, you may not be able to use Pay ID.
There is a limit on the purchase amount of 55,000 JPY (including tax).
A fee of 350 JPY per month is charged for convenience store payments.
Direct debiting can be set up from the app once you have made a purchase.
The payment method cannot be changed for already confirmed bills.
Payments for products shipped by the final day of the current month will begin from the following month.
I would like to be notified of restocking
Age verification
When it is restocked, we will notify you to the registered e-mail address.
Mail Address
Please allow the domains 「」&「」so that you can receive our e-mail
Notice of restocking has been accepted.
We've sent an e-mail to you. If you cannot find the mail, please check your spam folder. When receiving a notification, you may not be able to receive it due to reasons such as the mail server capacity being exceeded. Please confirm it.
「麹だけで作った甘酒」 日本の国菌でもある、酵素力が強いオリゼ菌を使い優しい甘みと濃厚な味わいの甘酒。 石川県産のお米、五百万石の芳醇な味わいが楽しめます。 トロッとした甘酒はそのままでも、豆乳やソーダで割ってもお飲みいただけるほか、お砂糖代わりにお料理やお菓子作りにも活用いただけます 離乳初期期からご飲食いただけます 内容量:150g 原料:米麹(国産) アルコール分:0% 賞味期限:120日以内(未開封時) 保管方法:常温.直射日光を避け常温で保存してください 開封後は冷蔵庫に入れお早めにお召し上がりください *送料に関しては150gのサイズ3個まではネコポス対応となり 4個〜1300円となります。 *発送 ご注文頂いてから通常1週間以内の発送となります。
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase.
Your delivery status can be checked online.
Shipping fees vary by region.
ポスト投函での発送です。 ※日時指定はできませんのでご了承ください。